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Firmware for m5stack Cardputer, StickC and ESP32
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RAW subghz signal reading #216

Open eadmaster opened 1 month ago

eadmaster commented 1 month ago

The current implementation of IR and RF Reading/Sniffing/Replay requires a successful decode the signals. This works fine in many cases, but in some cases it may fail to decode (e.g. Air Conditioner remotes often use more complicated protocols)

So it would be useful to have a RAW signal sniffer like the flipper0.

Affected functions:

EDIT: For the sending part, both the IR implementation and the RF implementation still need more testing.

eadmaster commented 6 days ago

UPDATE: IR reading now defaults to decoded/parsed mode and fallbacks to RAW mode if decoding fails. Both modes can be tested individually via serial cmds: ir rx and ir rx raw.

Long IR signals from Air Conditioner remotes with more than 64bits should work as well (example here).