prabaprakash / Saavn-Downloader

Saavn Downloader
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Problem with downloading songs whose titles have : in them #24

Closed ar7x9 closed 5 years ago

ar7x9 commented 5 years ago

URL in question :,r8r-O7A_

What happens is that the song is shown as downloaded on the terminal, but in actual there is an undeletable file thats created on my hdd with name "Gunday (Rap By" with no extension and 0 KB size, i.e. a corrupted file.

inovachrono commented 5 years ago

May be this will be helpful

ar7x9 commented 5 years ago

I just went over the code, let me see if I can find a fix. I am gonna add a few lines after line 141 to check and replace those illegal characters.


I managed to fix it. Add these lines to after line 141

filename = filename.replace(":", "-") filename = filename.replace("<", "-") filename = filename.replace(">", "-") filename = filename.replace("?", "-") filename = filename.replace("*", "-") filename = filename.replace("|", "-")