prabindh / darknet

Convolutional Neural Networks
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Sync back up with original repo? #37

Closed WillieMaddox closed 6 years ago

WillieMaddox commented 7 years ago

Are there plans to sync this up with the original repo. As of today. This fork is 37 commits behind pjreddie master. So, no lstm, no segmenter, etc.

prabindh commented 7 years ago

Yes, need to, must. Just tied up in a couple of other things might take a week or so. Also, some bugfixes are pending to be pushed. Thanks!

prabindh commented 7 years ago

I am planning though, to have a separate branch now for the upcoming changes.

prabindh commented 7 years ago

Done. It is at - Tag v5.1 What has been tested - Detect with GPU, CPU at this time. Training not yet tested. Once this becomes stable, will merge to master. Master stable is at v5.0, before this merge.

prabindh commented 7 years ago

@WillieMaddox any inputs on this ?

prabindh commented 7 years ago

@WillieMaddox keep forgetting this is a long weekend,

WillieMaddox commented 7 years ago

I haven't forgotten about this. Super Busy. Will try to test branch sometime this week.

prabindh commented 7 years ago

@WillieMaddox were you able to check this out ?

prabindh commented 6 years ago

Synced up.