prabirshrestha / FacebookSharp

Facebook Graph API for .Net
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Messages from a wall! #21

Open shaneae opened 13 years ago

shaneae commented 13 years ago

How can i get the the messages on the wall of a user?

prabirshrestha commented 13 years ago

var fb = new Facebook("access_token");

var feeds = fb.GetFeeds("me",null); var posts = fb.GetPosts("me",null);

make sure u add "using Facebook.Extensions;" too

shaneae commented 13 years ago

Thank you for the response! Now i'm having a several problems: 1) I'm trying to access the messages on the wall one by one, like this PostCollection posts = fb.GetPosts("me", null); foreach (Post p in posts){} but the foreach give me an error: "foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.PostCollection' because 'FacebookSharp.Schemas.Graph.PostCollection' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'" How can i solve this?

2) How can i get a connection with facebook without an experation time? 3) How do I force the user to enter his email and password every time he tries to connect to facebook?

prabirshrestha commented 13 years ago


foreach(var p in posts.Data){

and incase you haven't been aware the mergin of FacebookSharp with Facebook C# SDK, I strongly recommend you to read "The State of .Net Facebook Development" -

prabirshrestha commented 13 years ago

and i you want to get without expiration time, make sure you pass the extended permissions as "offline_access"

shaneae commented 13 years ago

What is the string id?

prabirshrestha commented 13 years ago

extended permissions is specified in file.

here is an extract from it.

You can specify extened permissions by specifying it in the FacebookSettings.

fbSettings.DefaultApplicationPermissions = new[] { "publish_stream","create_event" } }; Please refer to for more information on extended permissions.

In your case you will need to pass "offline_access" also. The DefaultApplicationPermissions must be during authorization process (getting the access token).

shaneae commented 13 years ago

Thank you for the quick response it help me a lot :) Now another thing what is the string id? on the fb.GetFeeds("me",null); ?

prabirshrestha commented 13 years ago

there are 3 types of id's in facebook.

  1. "12345"
  2. "12345_6789"
  3. "me"

me is a special type of id, which represents the user/page who is using the access token.

with the given senario: Username id access_token A 1 a5 B 2 b6

when i call var fb = new Facebook("a5"); "me" would refer to 1

but if i do new Facebook("b6"); "me" would refer to 2.

"me" is a special id which represents the user/page with the access token u specified.

var fb = new Facebook("a5"); fb.GetFeeds("me",null);

means get the feeds for the user/page whose access_token is a5.

all are mentioned on facebook documentations. its explained in more deatils there.

shaneae commented 13 years ago

I want to get al the names of l the posts on the user wall :

FacebookSharp.Facebook fb = new FacebookSharp.Facebook(facebookAccessToken);

        PostCollection posts = fb.GetPosts("me", null);

        foreach (var p in posts.Data)

but the cont on the foreach wallways conts 0. How can i resolve this?

shaneae commented 13 years ago

Thank You. I just resolve the problem. But i realise that is not what i realy want. I want to get all the the information like in the user 'Home' tab. It is possible?