practicalli / astro

Rich development workflow with Clojure support, using AstroNvim 4 and selected plugins
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search: find text pattern in specific files and file types #10

Closed practicalli-johnny closed 1 month ago

practicalli-johnny commented 1 month ago

AstroNvim SPC f w searches through all files in a project.

On larger projects it can be effective to search through specific files to minimise the list of results, e.g. only *.clj Clojure files

Add the telescope extension:

NOTE: check if extension has been added to Astrocommunity and if not then submit a plugin config once its working locally. 🆗

Add key mapping

keymap.set("n", "<leader>fg", ":lua require('telescope').extensions.live_grep_args.live_grep_args()<CR>")


practicalli-johnny commented 1 month ago

AstroCommunity plugin config: