practicalli / neovim

Neovim, Conjure and LSP for Clojure development using Fennel configuration
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Evaluate AstroNvim as a suitable base configuration #38

Closed practicalli-johnny closed 1 year ago

practicalli-johnny commented 1 year ago

Use AstroNvim for several weeks and evaluate its suitability for a Clojure development environment

practicalli-johnny commented 1 year ago

AstroNvim does not seem to set a localleader, relying solely on a SPC leader menu.

Add a localleader key binding, i.e. ,, to provide a <localleader> for Conjure key bindings.


-- Set local leader key binding
-- used to include Conjure key bindings that look for <localleader>
vim.g.maplocalleader = ","

Conjure support added via astro user config

-- Local variables
-- lisp dialects to enable with packages
local lisp_dialects = { "clojure", "fennel" }

-- Lazy Package manager configuration
return {
    -- lazy = false,
    -- load plugin on filetypes
    ft = { unpack(lisp_dialects) },
practicalli-johnny commented 1 year ago

Added AstroNvim user configuration and AstroNvim information to Practicalli Neovim book

practicalli-johnny commented 1 year ago

AstroNvim project now includes , as the localleader key binding