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org-jira for creating and managing jira tickets #291

Open practicalli-johnny opened 2 years ago

practicalli-johnny commented 2 years ago

Configure and use org-jira

Create directory to hold issues

The ~/.org-jira/ directory will hold an org file for each Jira project that you get issues from.

Create the ~/.org-jira/ yourself, it will not be created by org-jira and org-jira will fail to retrived issues if the directory is not there

Create the ~/.org-jira/ directory with a file manager, command line or using an Emacs shell buffer SPC ' opens a shell buffer

(make-directory `~/.org-jira`)

Define access control for Emacs to talk to Atlassian

Create a machine entry in ~/.authinfo.pgp (or ~/.authinfo)

machine login password jira-pasword-or-generated-token port 443

If not using https (and why arent you, then use port 80 for http)


Enable org-jira package in the org layer configuration of .spacemacs

  org-enable-jira-support t
       jiralib-url ""

Restart Spacemacs, SPC q r


, m j menu to access the org-jira commands

NOTE: org-jira-create-comment does not have a mnemonic menu entry. Use C-c c c to create a comment with the cursor on the specific issue. Ensure the issue is up to date before creating the comment
