pradeep-mishra / csvjson

csv to json
MIT License
59 stars 22 forks source link

Wrong parsing if comma is in cells as well #17

Closed damianobarbati closed 7 years ago

damianobarbati commented 7 years ago

Example: JS =>

let sheet = (await axios.get(;
let result = csvjson.toObject(sheet, { encoding: 'utf8', delimiter: ',', quote: /['",]+/ });
return result;

CSV =>

generic,Validation Size,generic,Validation Size,validation_size,0.2,0.1,0.5,0.1,,float,Machine Learning,It's a set of data used to access the strength and utility of a predictive relationship,,
generic,Seed,generic,Seed,seed,7,1,20,1,,integer,Machine Learning,description,,
generic,n Fold,generic,n Fold,num_fold,10,2,20,1,,integer,Machine Learning,description,,
generic,Scoring,generic,Scoring,scoring,accuracy,,,,"accuracy,recall",string,Machine Learning,"A ""score function"" or ""scoring rule"" measures the accuracy of probabilistic predictions",,Per ora l'utente non può selezionare nulla ma in futuro potremmo aggiungere l'opzione di scelta
LogisticRegression,Logistic Regression,LR,Regularization,lr_regularization,l2,,,,"l1, l2",string,Machine Learning,It's the go-to method for binary classification problems,penalty,
LogisticRegression,Logistic Regression,LR,C,lr_c,1.0,0.1,10.0,0.1,,float,Machine Learning,It's the go-to method for binary classification problems,C,
LogisticRegression,Logistic Regression,LR,Solver,lr_solver,liblinear,,,,"newton-cg, lbfgs, liblinear",string,Machine Learning,It's the go-to method for binary classification problems,solver,"Se seleziona lr_regularization = L1 allora il solver = Linear, se seleziona lr_regularization = L2 allora il solver = Linear, Newton-CG, L-BFGS"
LinearDiscriminantAnalysis,Linear Discriminant Analysis,LDA,Solver,lda_solver,svd,,,,"cvd, lsqr, eingen",string,Machine Learning,It's the go-to linear method for multiclass classification problems,solver,

Result is wrong, from "values" column everything gets messy =>

        "func": "generic",
        "name": "Scoring",
        "shortname": "generic",
        "caption": "Scoring",
        "variable": "scoring",
        "predefined": "accuracy",
        "min": "",
        "max": "",
        "step": "",
        "values": "\"accuracy",
        "type": "recall\"",
        "category": "string",
        "groupCaption": "Machine Learning",
        "description": "A \"\"score function\"\" or \"\"scoring rule\"\" measures the accuracy of probabilistic predictions",
        "notes": ""
pradeep-mishra commented 7 years ago

fixed try like this

let result = csvjson.toObject(sheet, { quote: true });