pradel / blockstack-wallet

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cannot login - please stop mandatory fingerprint auth #64

Open fluidvoice opened 3 years ago

fluidvoice commented 3 years ago

My fingerprint is not being recognized and I cannot see how to disable or get around this to login. There needs to be a PIN login fallback login method and/or some way to disable the FP biometric feature. Maybe after too many failed FP attempts it should revert to a PIN? Basically you should avoid locking people out of their wallet because FP auth is failing. I have dry skin on my hands that I think makes FP not work consistently.

fluidvoice commented 3 years ago

ah, OK. I see if I disable FP auth in the phone config then the wallet will (also) use PIN auth. The phone falls back to PIN if FP fails but this wallet does not. Having different PIN's for different apps/wallets might be better, so perhaps better UX is letting the user decide (have both options)?

pradel commented 3 years ago

@fluidvoice that would be nice indeed, but the requirements to access the secure enclave of the phone (where the private key is stored) needs to be unlocked using a native way so fingerprint or faceid (and there is a fallback to pin code as you said in case fingerprint is disabled). I will think of a way to have some pin to lock it but not sure it's technically feasible.

pradel commented 3 years ago

@fluidvoice you can also totally disable fingerprint login in the setting of the app "Fingerprint" section.