pradosoft / prado

Prado - Component Framework for PHP
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#827 TTemplateManager accepts template class and culture #902

Closed belisoful closed 1 year ago

belisoful commented 1 year ago

With the option of setting a new default template class upon instancing of TTemplateManager.

This change allows a template to be formed upon a designated culture rather than just the web user's culture settings. this is important for when sending emails to someone with different culture settings. The template must be formed around the email receiver and not the web user.

belisoful commented 1 year ago

So. The issue here is that I'm running PHP 8.2 and it doesn't work with PHP-CS-Fixer.

For PHP-CS-Fixer to work correctly, it must be PHP 8.1. I'm going to downgrade my PHP, re-fix, and re-commit the corrections.