pradosoft / prado

Prado - Component Framework for PHP
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php-doc "<code>" converted to "```php" #964

Closed belisoful closed 12 months ago

belisoful commented 1 year ago

or "``html" if the example is html. alsoneeds the ending triple ""

This is the kind of maintenance thing @ctrlaltca usually handles silently in the night. ;)

ctrlaltca commented 1 year ago

I'll take care of it silently in the night. :sleeping:

belisoful commented 1 year ago

I saw it in here and thought, good idea.

And I bet you have the regex and commands on hand for doing a text swap like that.

ctrlaltca commented 1 year ago

Wow, it looks that all the {@links } in the documentation are broken! blame on me for not checking it

ctrlaltca commented 1 year ago

Work in progress, see #965