Open tamama opened 7 years ago
Hey 👋
Sorry, that example in the README is a bit misleading now that I look at it again. $marathon_zk
and $mesos_zk
are not facts, just variables you define.
In the example, $marathon_zk
should be set to the Zookeeper address that Marathon uses to store its state (e.g. 'zk://'
), while $mesos_zk
should be the address that Mesos stores its state (e.g. 'zk://'
After some research into deric/mesos, I find a more elegant solution. May I attach my solution in the following.
Kind regards, Tamama
class profile::marathon { notify { '[profile::marathon] Starting ... ' : }
Package {
provider => 'dnf' ,
class { 'marathon' :
require => Class['mesos::master'] ,
repo_manage => false ,
zookeeper => regsubst($::mesos::master::zookeeper_url, '/mesos$', '/marathon') ,
master => $::mesos::master::zookeeper_url ,
options => {
event_subscriber => 'http_callback' ,
hostname => $::fqdn ,
http_address => $::ipaddress_tun0 ,
http_port => 58080 ,
} ,
java_opts => '-Xms128m -Xmx256m' ,
Class['mesos::repo'] -> Package['marathon']
notify { '[profile::marathon] ... finished' : }
Hi there,
On, you mentioned $mesos_zk and $zookeeper_zk - however, I find these facts missing on my puppet agent.
May I ask whether these are still valid options?
Kind regards, Tamama