praetorian-inc / chariot-ui

Chariot Offensive Security Platform
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Support Validation Requirements for 'Attributes Based on Nuclei Templates' #188

Closed Ameston closed 3 days ago

Ameston commented 3 days ago

Recently, support was added to create Attributes Based on Nuclei Templates; however, the changes required to leverage that feature cause Nuclei templates to fail validation. As a result, they will not be used for scanning.

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

Can we disable template validation? It's not clear to me what the request is - it's nuclei that's rejecting the templates, not our code

Ameston commented 3 days ago

Disabling template validation is probably the quickest solution; however, in the old version of Chariot we opted to fork and modify Nuclei to have support for the praetorian YAML block. This way, we could tell when Nuclei templates were actually failing validation for real reasons (and not just the praetorian YAML block). The request is to support templates leveraging this newly merged feature because it is currently unusable.

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

I'd like to avoid forking nuclei unless absolutely necessary; that slows down the process of upgrading nuclei significantly and gives us another component to maintain. Between those two options disabling validation is my strong preference. I'd like to explore if there's a way to modify the metadata such that it validates though. @Ameston has MSP tried any other formatting that might allow the templates to validate? We can always change the parsing code.

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

For example, we might be able to use this

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

-nss is another option vs disabling all validation

Ameston commented 3 days ago

I'd like to avoid forking nuclei unless absolutely necessary;

Absolutely, me too.

I've been doing some digging, and I believe I found the issue. It looks like Aashish's initial proposal leveraged the metadata tag. I just tested locally, and the templates pass validation if the praetorian block is moved there. It looks like the solution @UNC1739 implemented leverages the meta tag.

Edit: This is incorrect. Adam's solution uses metadata. I was incorrectly using Weber's example template as the source of truth.

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

@Ameston can you send me an example that passes validation? I'll adjust the backend code to match

Ameston commented 3 days ago
id: detect-web-login-page
  name: Detect Web Login Page
  author: michaelweber
  severity: info
  description: |
    This template detects the presence of a web login page by checking for input tags and keywords commonly associated with login forms.
      detection: true
        type: "Login Page Detection"
  tags: web, login

  - method: GET
      - "{{BaseURL}}"

      - type: dsl
          - "contains(tolower(body), '<input') && ((contains(tolower(body), 'login') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'log in') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'forgot') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'password') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'signup') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'sign-up') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'sign up') ? 1 : 0) + (contains(tolower(body), 'register') ? 1 : 0) >= 2)"
        name: login_word_matches
noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago

Ah - this is what we already have, I misunderstood. I think we're good then?

noah-tutt-praetorian commented 3 days ago
    Info struct {
        Description string   `json:"description"`
        Severity    string   `json:"severity"`
        Author      []string `json:"author"`
        Metadata    struct {
            Praetorian struct {
                Detection  bool              `json:"detection"`
                Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"`
            } `json:"praetorian"`
        } `json:"metadata"`
Ameston commented 3 days ago

Ah! Roger. I was going off of Weber's example here as the source of truth. Apologies for the confusion. I just need to update Weber's template to use metadata instead of meta. 🤦 . Thanks Noah!