praetorian-inc / chariot-ui

Chariot Offensive Security Platform
MIT License
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Filter Risks by Capability #203

Open josephwhenry opened 3 days ago

josephwhenry commented 3 days ago

Feature Description Chariot should include an additional filter option to show all risks detected by a specific capability.

Problem Certain capabilities are noisier than others (e.g., secrets). It would be helpful to screen out all filters from a certain capability.

The flip-side is true too. If I want to only look at my Gato findings, there is currently not an easy way to do so.

Preferred Solution Add another filter option to the Risks page for source capability.

privateducky commented 2 days ago

our preferred approach to this, is sorting by class. I could see sorting by capability if that didn't fit the bill.. but I'd be curious if we need to go to that level of granularity.

josephwhenry commented 2 days ago

@privateducky Yeah, there is certainly a bit of grey area here. It depends on the capability. I don't think it would be very useful to see all risks from nuclei, since it is so flexible.

But looking at every risk detected by a more specialized tool (or filtering out all risks from a specific tool) would be very useful for PS engineers. Right now, I think this only consists of gato and secrets, but as we add more specialized tools to the platform, this list will grow.

josephwhenry commented 2 days ago

@naterang, can you provide more context here? I know this is a feature you are particularly interested in.

naterang commented 1 day ago

Just want to +1 this request from the PS side. This would be super useful for our large clients where engineers could get a bit lost in the sauce and where we push a systemic approach triage (to make sure they work through everything in a timely manner). This would help them sort and work through use-cases (like in the case of Salesforce, where we had a ton of NP and Gato findings to get through, and that all blended together a bit).

This would greatly help folks visualize and work through use cases in a more systemic way/workflow based on how they were found. This is definitely more applicable for the new features outside of Nuclei (where I agree sorting by class makes more sense).