praetorian-inc / chariot-ui

Chariot Offensive Security Platform
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add granularity to status icon displayed on overview page #696

Open praetorian-matt-schneider opened 1 week ago

praetorian-matt-schneider commented 1 week ago

Feature Description currently the overview page status column displays either a green check or red x depending on the failure or success status of jobs related to the integration. often jobs from the integration will be in some sort of intermediate state where some non-problematic portion of jobs fail but the integration is overall healthy. it would be good to have a way to indicate this instead of having a binary "all good / all bad" indicator.

Problem since job failures are somewhat common (though not necessarily problematic since jobs can re-run and succeed, etc.) the status icon can display a red x when the integration is actually in a healthy state. for some customers, this has caused confusion and led them to believe that "all jobs are failing" when that is not the case.

Preferred Solution add a third "middle" state for "some jobs failing" and set reasonable thresholds for the status indicator to transition between these states. for example, >80% success could be "healthy", 50-80% could be "some jobs failing / need attention" and <50% could be an "unhealthy" red x.

Dan-Crawford commented 1 week ago

I defer, but I think The Attack Surface page page would be ideal for "act of integration success"--you only see green or red since the integration is either set-up or not (right?).

Would suggest integration status notifications dealing with job health be on the Risks/alerts page. (reduce clicks to jobs page or integrations page away from primary work page--risks.) @praetorian-matt-schneider, thoughts on handling here, rather than Attack Surface.

praetorian-matt-schneider commented 1 week ago

i agree in principle since i think the intention is that the Attack Surface page is at the moment basically a CTA to setup integrations. in practice, though i think people are kind of using it as a general purpose landing page and interpreting the statuses/counts as more like health indicators which is causing some confusion.

i do think we'll probably want some more robust filtering/alerting for integration/job failure states. my gut says that would fit conceptually better on the jobs page and not on the risks page since it's kind of a meta thing about how the platform is working instead of the risk/exposure items that we aim to produce.