pragha-music-player / pragha

Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux.
GNU General Public License v3.0
173 stars 35 forks source link

Improve metadata for appstream. #152

Closed darkshram closed 4 years ago

darkshram commented 5 years ago

Modified appdata file to pass full validation with 'appstream-util validate-strict'.


appstream-util validate-strict io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml
io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml: FAILED:
• style-invalid         : Content before <ul> is too short [218], at least 300 characters required
• translations-required  : <name> has no translations
• translations-required  : <summary> has no translations
• translations-required  : <description> has no translations
Validation of files failed


appstream-util validate-strict data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml 
data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml: OK
matiasdelellis commented 5 years ago

Hi @darkshram I like the changes, except the translations that must be done by gettext and transifex. :wink:

Do you want to try? :grimacing:

darkshram commented 5 years ago

I'll try in a few days. I have a little tight schedule. io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml will need to be renamed to and to modify Makefile to do the rest. <name>, <summary> and <description> tags just need to be replaced with <_name>, <_summary> and <_description> and obviously have an entry in the pot and po files. For the time being, just remove the lines with xml:lang and modify whatever yo need, so pragha's appdata will look awesome in app stores. Appdata will validate Ok with 'appstream-util validate' instead of 'appstream-util validate-strict' (only validate-strict requires <name>, <summary> and <description> to have translations).

matiasdelellis commented 5 years ago

Hi @darkshram Wow, Thank you for answering so quickly. I'm doing the changes form translation with gettex. Wait some minutes. :wink:

matiasdelellis commented 5 years ago

Well, Finally I add all your changes in the last master commit. Please when you can, look at it.. :wink:

[matias@ideapad pragha]$ appstream-util validate data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml
data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml: OK

But in strict mode fail due intool remove the copyright comment.. :confused:

[matias@ideapad pragha]$ appstream-util validate-strict data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml
data/io.github.pragha_music_player.metainfo.xml: FAILED:
• value-missing         : <!-- Copyright [year] [name] --> is not present
Validation of files failed

p.s: It's a shame that will not be properly registered -As git commit authored- that these are your changes.. Sorry.. :disappointed:

darkshram commented 5 years ago

p.s: It's a shame that will not be properly registered -As git commit authored- that these are your changes.. Sorry.. disappointed

Don't worry. The goal was to improve visibility of pragha in app stores.

Keywords may be localized too. I would recommend to add 'player'.


If you add 'Keywords' key to the desktop file too, you may reuse localizations.

[Desktop Entry]


_GenericName=Music Player
_Comment=Manage and listen your music


Exec=pragha %F

matiasdelellis commented 5 years ago

Done.. :grimacing: Thanks!.