pragmagic / vscode-nim

An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Nim language.
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Hovering on imports doesn't work #58

Open xmonader opened 6 years ago

xmonader commented 6 years ago

I try to from strutils import parseInt

Hovering on strutils or parseInt doesn't work in the import line, but if i hover of parseInt procedure call i get it nice link that moves me to strutils.nim?

Versions: vscode-nim: 0.5.26 vscode: 1.15

Thanks for the great job!

yay commented 6 years ago

Another example

import threadpool

proc hello(n: int) =
  echo "Hello: " & $(n)

proc main() =
  for i in 1..10:
    spawn hello(i)


Cmd-MMB click on threadpool in import threadpool does nothing. Trying to go to the definition of the spawn proc is equally futile, if the spawn is actually followed by the proc you want to spawn, it's possible to go to a definition of the spawn otherwise, just try removing the hello(i) part in the example above.

Don't know if this is caused by the plugin or the nimsuggest itself, so I mentioned this issue in both Nim's IRC channel and here. Really hope there is a solution to this.

Nim 0.17.2
VSCode 1.17.2
Nim plugin 0.5.27
macOS 10.12.6
RSDuck commented 6 years ago

the problem is nimsuggest, it has no support for import suggestions nor for "go-to-definition" for modules. See here:

ghost commented 6 years ago

This issue can get closed. It works flawless using the latest nightly version of nimsuggest (built via koch tools -d:release after compiling the latest nim version as described on the site).