pragmatic-streamlit / streamlit-molstar

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selecting arbitrary residues #20

Open kaw97 opened 6 months ago

kaw97 commented 6 months ago

Thanks a ton for making this package! I've made a rudimentary app with it, and I think it will be great for my project.

I was wondering if there's a good way to automatically select residues arbitrarily, which seems doable from your p2rank integration.

My use case is that I'm making a tool to identify paralogs proteins with mutations in/near known drug binding sites. My output includes the paralog, the PDB entries of proteins it is a paralog of that bind natural products, and the residues from the PDB structure that are mutated. I want users to be able to select the PDB entry and load it with the mutated residues selected.

Is this a functionality you could add, or give me advice on how best to hack the p2rank module or my input to get it to display what I want? From looking at the example p2rank output, I can see at minimum I need to modify my code to include the chains.