Hi! Your code is of great help to me and thanks to you so much.
When experimenting with the same test data of CNN in your repo, I compare the result with TF-IDF+LR I wrote and found out that the test data is not totally used in testing. And I write a version like
with torch.no_grad():
for idx, batch in enumerate(val_iter):
text = batch.Text[0]
pass_batch_size= None #Since the batch size would be passed into the model, I set the variance to keep the data size in this iteration
if (text.size()[0] is not batch_size):
pass_batch_size = len(text) # pass_batch_size is the batch size of the batch
target = batch.Label
target = torch.autograd.Variable(target).long()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
text = text.cuda()
# target = target.cuda()
text =text.to(device)
target = target.to(device)
prediction = model(text,pass_batch_size) $ pass into the model
In LSTM.py, the model initializes the h_0 and c_0. I think it's the reason you define a parameter 'batch_size=None' in 'forward()'.
Hi! Your code is of great help to me and thanks to you so much.
When experimenting with the same test data of CNN in your repo, I compare the result with TF-IDF+LR I wrote and found out that the test data is not totally used in testing. And I write a version like ` with torch.no_grad(): for idx, batch in enumerate(val_iter): text = batch.Text[0] pass_batch_size= None #Since the batch size would be passed into the model, I set the variance to keep the data size in this iteration if (text.size()[0] is not batch_size): pass_batch_size = len(text) # pass_batch_size is the batch size of the batch target = batch.Label target = torch.autograd.Variable(target).long() if torch.cuda.is_available():
text = text.cuda()
` In LSTM.py, the model initializes the h_0 and c_0. I think it's the reason you define a parameter 'batch_size=None' in 'forward()'.