Closed thesivis closed 3 years ago
This annotation serves to determine if the projection should load the child property when you use distinct in a query
EntityParent { String name; EntityChild child; }
EntityChild { String name; }
When you create the query without the EntityGraph you get:
Select distinct p From EntityParent p inner join EntityChild c order by
You get error because EntityChild was not returned, you need to load EntityChild
With annotation:
@LoadEntityGraph(paths="child") interface ProjectEntityParent{ EntityChildInfo getEntityChild();
interface EntityChildInfo { String name; } }
You get query
Select distinct p, c From EntityParent p inner join EntityChild c order by
So you can define de EntityGraph per projection and not in Entity
This annotation serves to determine if the projection should load the child property when you use distinct in a query
EntityParent { String name; EntityChild child; }
EntityChild { String name; }
When you create the query without the EntityGraph you get:
Select distinct p From EntityParent p inner join EntityChild c order by
You get error because EntityChild was not returned, you need to load EntityChild
With annotation:
@LoadEntityGraph(paths="child") interface ProjectEntityParent{ EntityChildInfo getEntityChild();
interface EntityChildInfo { String name; } }
You get query
Select distinct p, c From EntityParent p inner join EntityChild c order by
So you can define de EntityGraph per projection and not in Entity