prampec / IotWebConf

ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration Arduino library
MIT License
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Calling iotWebConf.setupUpdateServer causes wifi not to connect #230

Open adam-bierschenk opened 2 years ago

adam-bierschenk commented 2 years ago

First off, great library and I appreciate all the work. I am having an issue with connecting to the wifi when enabling the HTTPUpdateServer.

When Calling iotWebConf.setupUpdateServer the wifi connection never connects and continues to timeout.

State changing from: 0 to 2
Setting up AP: iot-device
Use password: <hidden>
AP IP address:
AP timeout (ms): 30000
State changed from: 0 to 2

When I comment out

    [](const char* updatePath) { httpUpdater.setup(&server, updatePath); },
    [](const char* userName, char* password) { httpUpdater.updateCredentials(userName, password); });

the wifi connects first try.

Below is the full code for reference. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am using an ESP8266 board and version 3.2.0 of IoTWebConf

#include <MQTT.h>
#include <IotWebConf.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
# include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h>
#elif defined(ESP32)
# include <IotWebConfESP32HTTPUpdateServer.h>
#include <IotWebConfUsing.h> // This loads aliases for easier class names.

// -- Initial name of the Thing. Used e.g. as SSID of the own Access Point.
const char thingName[] = "testThing";

// -- Initial password to connect to the Thing, when it creates an own Access Point.
const char wifiInitialApPassword[] = "smrtTHNG8266";

#define STRING_LEN 128

// -- Configuration specific key. The value should be modified if config structure was changed.
#define CONFIG_VERSION "0.0.22"

// -- When CONFIG_PIN is pulled to ground on startup, the Thing will use the initial
//      password to buld an AP. (E.g. in case of lost password)
#define CONFIG_PIN 2

// -- Status indicator pin.
//      First it will light up (kept LOW), on Wifi connection it will blink,
//      when connected to the Wifi it will turn off (kept HIGH).

// -- Method declarations.
void handleRoot();
void mqttMessageReceived(String &topic, String &payload);
bool connectMqtt();
bool connectMqttOptions();
// -- Callback methods.
void wifiConnected();
void configSaved();
bool formValidator(iotwebconf::WebRequestWrapper* webRequestWrapper);

DNSServer dnsServer;
WebServer server(80);
WiFiClient net;
MQTTClient mqttClient;
#ifdef ESP8266
ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;
#elif defined(ESP32)
HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;

char mqttServerValue[STRING_LEN];
char mqttUserNameValue[STRING_LEN];
char mqttUserPasswordValue[STRING_LEN];

IotWebConf iotWebConf(thingName, &dnsServer, &server, wifiInitialApPassword, CONFIG_VERSION);
// -- You can also use namespace formats e.g.: iotwebconf::ParameterGroup
IotWebConfParameterGroup mqttGroup = IotWebConfParameterGroup("mqtt", "MQTT configuration");
IotWebConfTextParameter mqttServerParam = IotWebConfTextParameter("MQTT server", "mqttServer", mqttServerValue, STRING_LEN);
IotWebConfTextParameter mqttUserNameParam = IotWebConfTextParameter("MQTT user", "mqttUser", mqttUserNameValue, STRING_LEN);
IotWebConfPasswordParameter mqttUserPasswordParam = IotWebConfPasswordParameter("MQTT password", "mqttPass", mqttUserPasswordValue, STRING_LEN);

bool needMqttConnect = false;
bool needReset = false;
int pinState = HIGH;
unsigned long lastReport = 0;
unsigned long lastMqttConnectionAttempt = 0;

void setup() 
  Serial.println("Starting up...");
  // -- Define how to handle updateServer calls.
    [](const char* updatePath) { httpUpdater.setup(&server, updatePath); },
    [](const char* userName, char* password) { httpUpdater.updateCredentials(userName, password); });

  // -- Initializing the configuration.
  bool validConfig = iotWebConf.init();
  if (!validConfig)
    mqttServerValue[0] = '\0';
    mqttUserNameValue[0] = '\0';
    mqttUserPasswordValue[0] = '\0';

  // -- Set up required URL handlers on the web server.
  server.on("/", handleRoot);
  server.on("/config", []{ iotWebConf.handleConfig(); });
  server.onNotFound([](){ iotWebConf.handleNotFound(); });

  mqttClient.begin(mqttServerValue, net);


void loop() 
  // -- doLoop should be called as frequently as possible.

  if (needMqttConnect)
    if (connectMqtt())
      needMqttConnect = false;
  else if ((iotWebConf.getState() == iotwebconf::OnLine) && (!mqttClient .connected()))
    Serial.println("MQTT reconnect");

  if (needReset)
    Serial.println("Rebooting after 1 second.");

 * Handle web requests to "/" path.
void handleRoot()
  // -- Let IotWebConf test and handle captive portal requests.
  if (iotWebConf.handleCaptivePortal())
    // -- Captive portal request were already served.
  String s = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no\"/>";
  s += "<title>IoT Device Garage Door Control</title></head><body>IoT Device Garage Door Control";
  s += "<ul>";
  s += "<li>MQTT server: ";
  s += mqttServerValue;
  s += "</ul>";
  s += "Go to <a href='config'>configure page</a> to change values.";
  s += "</body></html>\n";

  server.send(200, "text/html", s);

void wifiConnected()
  needMqttConnect = true;

void configSaved()
  Serial.println("Configuration was updated.");
  needReset = true;

bool formValidator(iotwebconf::WebRequestWrapper* webRequestWrapper)
  Serial.println("Validating form.");
  bool valid = true;

  int l = webRequestWrapper->arg(mqttServerParam.getId()).length();
  if (l < 3)
    mqttServerParam.errorMessage = "Please provide at least 3 characters!";
    valid = false;

  return valid;

bool connectMqtt() {
  unsigned long now = millis();
  if (1000 > now - lastMqttConnectionAttempt)
    // Do not repeat within 1 sec.
    return false;
  Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT server...");
  if (!connectMqttOptions()) {
    lastMqttConnectionAttempt = now;
    return false;

  return true;

bool connectMqttOptions()
  bool result;
  if (mqttUserPasswordValue[0] != '\0')
    result = mqttClient.connect(iotWebConf.getThingName(), mqttUserNameValue, mqttUserPasswordValue);
  else if (mqttUserNameValue[0] != '\0')
    result = mqttClient.connect(iotWebConf.getThingName(), mqttUserNameValue);
    result = mqttClient.connect(iotWebConf.getThingName());
  return result;

void mqttMessageReceived(String &topic, String &payload)
  Serial.println("Incoming: " + topic + " - " + payload);
  if (topic== "test/action")
    mqttClient.publish("test/status", payload);
adam-bierschenk commented 2 years ago

I switched to version 3.1 of IotWebConf and wifi is connecting as expected now.