prampec / IotWebConf

ESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration Arduino library
MIT License
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Sequencing mDNS after the device is 'online' #252

Closed BoraSport closed 2 years ago

BoraSport commented 2 years ago

Initializing mDNS needs to happen once the device is online. Once that condition is met, mDSN can bind to WiFi and perform name resolution. This call needs to be delayed until the device is online. To get this to work in my project (ESP32-S2 using Arduino Framework) I put a catch in the loop to check the state and mDNS setting, if the device is on-line and mDNS is not active it creates the service. // -- Initializing mDNS after WiFi is online if (iotWebConf.getState() == iotwebconf::OnLine && MDNS.queryService("http", "tcp") == 0) { MDNS.begin(iotWebConf.getThingName()); Serial.println("On-line, initalizing MDNS"); MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); Serial.printf("Total active MDNS services: %d \n", MDNS.queryService("http", "tcp")); }

This runs in void loop(). It isn't efficient, but it is reliable.

prampec commented 2 years ago

This might solves to problem for ESP32, but as far as I see, ESP8266 is a different story. I'm not very good in mDNS, and it appears to be a more complex problem. E.g. what if we get a different ip address after reconnecting into a lost WiFi network? We might want to end() and then begin() again on every connection. We must test this. I was hoping for some help in this topic, but probably this is the first one.

BoraSport commented 2 years ago

The sequencing makes sense. Unfortunately, I don't have an ESP8266 to test with. I don't know your project that well, the state manager looks like a place to call the mDNS setup. Looking through the code this is where I would try to put the MDNS.begin(iotWebConf.getThingName());. I'm not sure where the end operator would need to live.

shmick commented 2 years ago

The mDNS issue on ESP8266 is that it needs MDNS.update to run in the main loop. I've create a PR for this at #253

prampec commented 2 years ago

ESP8266 part was merged into the main line and will be part of the next release. Can you please provide a tested pull request that does the MSDN.begin() when OnLine, and MDNS.end() when offline?!

BoraSport commented 2 years ago

I'm working on a fix now. I should have it fully tested tomorrow (on ESP32) and I'll submit a pull request.

prampec commented 2 years ago

Merged into main line. Will be available in version v3.2.1 and higher.

prampec commented 2 years ago

Ohh, and thank you!