prasannapattam / AngularKendoBootstrap

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Organization of Scripts folder #1

Closed gxclarke closed 10 years ago

gxclarke commented 10 years ago

I'm just curious about your thinking behind the organization of the Scripts folder.

In particular:

  1. Why create folders for angular and kendo but not for bootstrap and jquery?
  2. Why include all the unused kendo files rather than just kendo.ui.core.js (especially since you did not include the unused files for bootstrap)?

Thanks! Gary

prasannapattam commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your comment. Here is my justification for your comments/questions.

It seems overkill to create a folder for just one file. Both bootstarp and jquery has one file. So I felt there is no reason to create a folder for them. Where as angular and kendo has many files and folder structure is needed for organization.

I like Kendo controls more than the BootStrap controls and will be using them in my projects. Hence I don't need bootstrap controls so I haven't included any javascript files. But I need the bootstrap responsive design css files. I am using bootstrap for css and Kendo for controls.

Also I please check my updated VS template at

Here is the corresponding blog for this:

gxclarke commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your insights.

I believe that the bootstrap.js file you're including is for all the bootstrap components, so if you're not using them you won't need it. Btw... I also use Kendo controls a lot, but there are a few things in bootstrap for which there is no Kendo equivalent (e.g. affix, carousel, scrollspy), so you may consider using both -- perhaps include just the individual bootstrap js files you'll use rather than the whole thing.

prasannapattam commented 10 years ago

For the same reason you mentioned, I want to use bootstrap controls that are not included in Kendo, I have included bootstrap.js in my project.