prasanthrangan / hyprdots

// Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Graphite Mono Theme weird borders colors ; Wallbash bug #728

Closed RookiexCookie closed 6 months ago

RookiexCookie commented 6 months ago

I noticed a blue color border , notification in some of the wallpapers like in this 240112_11h53m49s_screenshot

when out of focus it turns blue but in this one no blue notification fonts but in the limbo wallpaper 240112_11h55m24s_screenshot

no blue borders color but rather blue notifications and other things whats up wth that

kRHYME7 commented 6 months ago

Hello this is determined by the logic wallbash script in this repo it works like pywal.

you can run ~/.config/hypr/scripts/ to toggle wallbash funtion to revert to default coloring

ad: you can run ` Hyprdots show binds then search for keyword " wallbash " to toggle it

RookiexCookie commented 6 months ago

ohh but where is the wallbash getting color blue all i see is grey black and white , from what i know it takes the dominating color of the wallpaper to make sleek color palettes or something yea? anyways ill disabled it for a while but it doesnt look that cool without wallbash

kRHYME7 commented 6 months ago

If you have used this repo from a while ago there is a problem where if colors on the wallpaper are almost monocolor we will have blank notifications. So I guess the solution is to use a more inverted the primary color which we have now. Maybe the Owner is formulating something for this issues though just to hit the sweet spot

This is created during the caching of the images.

RookiexCookie commented 6 months ago

oh so wallbash essentially needs 3 colors to work properly btw i had a question about the supposedly it should make the current wallpaper the login screen background but in my case when i logout after running the script all i see is white bg ,

kRHYME7 commented 6 months ago

oh so wallbash essentially needs 3 colors to work properly

Not really (We have 18 colors parsed from each wallpaper)

❯ cat ~/.cache/hyprdots/Graphite-Mono/chainsawman_sketch.png.dcol

then there is just a tiny funtion somewhere that assign those values to this templates

ls ~/.config/hypr/wallbash
 dunst.dcol
 hypr.dcol
 icons
 kvantum_1.t2
 kvantum_2.t2
 palette.dcol
󰕙 palette.svg
 rofi.dcol
 spotify.dcol
 waybar.dcol

So if you're concerned about the blue color try to experiment with what color might fit to it dunst.dcol is the template for the notif.

cat ~/.config/hypr/wallbash/dunst.dcol

    background = "#<wallbash_0xa1>"
    foreground = "#<wallbash_txt0>"
    frame_color = "#<wallbash_0xa4>"
    icon = "~/.config/dunst/icons/hyprdots.svg"
    timeout = 10

    background = "#<wallbash_1xa4>"
    foreground = "#<wallbash_txt0>"
    frame_color = "#<wallbash_2xa4>"
    icon = "~/.config/dunst/icons/hyprdots.svg"
    timeout = 10

You can change the txt part maybe it might fit to all wallpapers

supposedly it should make the current wallpaper the login screen background but in my case when i logout after running the script all i see is white bg ,

What is the output of the script? I'm not really familiar with sddm but try to search in the issue tracker for the same issues.

RookiexCookie commented 6 months ago

What is the output of the script? I'm not really familiar with sddm but try to search in the issue tracker for the same issues.

well if i run it its just changing to dynamic wallpaper or static wallpaper

but the interesting thing is that it changes the location of the background to something else which is ~/.config/swww/wall.set image

but lol something happened in between image

kRHYME7 commented 6 months ago

~/.config/swww/wall.set is a binary image so it should look like that

also here is the command to set current wallpaper to sddm

Hyprdots sddm set

Okay, I already tested out how the Sddm script works, if you need anything Maybe start a new thread in the discussion panel so that issue #728 will not be cluttered. 🍻

If everything is white you might be the same as me that I have been using KDE before this dots then my sddm is all white as sddm is looking for those kde files.

so I purge all sddm:

sudo rm -r /etc/sddm.conf.d  

then rerun this installation, ./

RookiexCookie commented 6 months ago

Cool , will try that and Thanks for you time.

kRHYME7 commented 5 months ago

@RookiexCookie Yow! 👋 The .dcol script receives an update. I think the unusual blue color will be fixed now.

Run this find ~/.cache/hyprdots/ -type f -name '*.dcol' to confirm if it is the .dcol files in the cached dir.

Run find ~/.cache/hyprdots/ -type f -name '*.dcol' -delete to purge them

Then Hyprdots cached reload to reload new Dcol cached

![Uploading image.png…]()

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

Alrighty , thanks for the info btw just to be clear Hyprdots cache reload will run the ~/Hyprdots/Scripts/ ? right?

kRHYME7 commented 5 months ago


BTW Prasanth said this is not complete yet as if the primary color is too/near black we might get unexpected color. So in case you might stumble on those issues, Please notify.

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

@kRHYME7 although most of the bluish is pretty much eliminated but for like 1-2 wallpapers is like this image idealy it wouldve be like this image

but its an amazing feat nonetheless , and these are just minor stuff just lettin you know

ooh i didnt saw the edit there

kRHYME7 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for this.

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

@kRHYME7 Recent Update in kitty made it look like this image

kRHYME7 commented 5 months ago

yeah it's the gojo wallapper right?

cp ~/.cache/hyprdots/Graphite-Mono/limbo.jpg.dcol ~/.cache/hyprdots/Graphite-Mono/gojo.png.dcol

I just copied the .dcol of limbo as they are both slightly the same color scheme .

If the primary color 1 is so black like #000000 the .dcol file will act super weird. This one is an expected bug so soon it should be fixed.

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

Lol that was one hacky to do stuff , thanks but can i revert to old commit where the colors were more bright in kitty ?

kRHYME7 commented 5 months ago

you can just disable the execute permission for the ./

or if you wan't more contrasting output

modify this file ~/.config/hypr/wallbash/kitty.dcol then change the foreground to something like this foreground #<wallbash_txt0> This colors is the inverted color of the primary color therefore giving you more contrast

ps. for ricing perspective, I chose the one that looks consistent.

Soon, I'll try to write something that can toggle at least 3 presets for kitty, this way user can cycle to get the best readability.

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

gotchu, i played around and got back the old colors , now it looks nice again Thanks image

RookiexCookie commented 5 months ago

Good Luck Mate

kRHYME7 commented 4 months ago

Hyprdots wallbash term -t You can add this to a key bind. This is WIP so feel free to suggest something.

![Uploading image.png…]()