prashant-ramcharan / courgette-jvm

Multiprocess | Parallel Cucumber-JVM | Parallelize your Java Cucumber tests on a feature level or on a scenario level.
MIT License
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Scripts are not running in Parallel I tried with sample project. #109

Closed BalurQA closed 5 years ago

BalurQA commented 5 years ago

Hi @prashant-ramcharan,

I liked your implementation it is very cool, simple and best for parallel run.

I cloned project and ran on my local system. I see scripts are not running in Parallel.

I am trying to run firefox tests in Parallel.

Below is the run command that I used to run the scripts.

gradlew runChromeTestsUsingTestNG -Dcourgette.threads=2 -Dcourgette.runLevel=FEATURE -Dcourgette.rerunFailedScenarios=false
owTestOutput=true -Dcourgette.reportTargetDir=build

am I doing something incorrect here. could you please assist.

Again do you have the maven version for the same. I want to implement it in my maven project.

Thanks, Sam

prashant-ramcharan commented 5 years ago


I take it you cloned this example project:

  1. You can run the Gradle task directly from the IDE.

  2. Run the task from the terminal (must be in root of project)

// if you using Linux / MacOS
./gradlew runFirefoxTestsUsingTestNG

// if you using Windows
gradlew.bat runFirefoxTestsUsingTestNG

This also works with Maven. Take a look at the example project here:

BalurQA commented 5 years ago

Thank you @prashant-ramcharan.

I looked into Maven example and scripts are running in Parallel.

CourgetteOptions is not letting me to pass multiple tags. Is this expected behavior of implementation.

I am trying below with feature level approach. Will this work or any additional changes I have to do ?

tags = {"@regression, @smoke", "not @excluded"}

Thanks, Sam

prashant-ramcharan commented 5 years ago

You can provide multiple tags:

tags = {"@regression or @smoke", "not @excluded"}

BalurQA commented 5 years ago

Thank you. @prashant-ramcharan.