prashant-ramcharan / courgette-jvm

Multiprocess | Parallel Cucumber-JVM | Parallelize your Java Cucumber tests on a feature level or on a scenario level.
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Jdk 17 - TestNG/Guice dependency version #324

Closed MBogdanski closed 2 years ago

MBogdanski commented 2 years ago


When I want to use jdk 17, I have a problem with dependency injection using Guice. I want to try update Guice version to 5.1.0, but in Courgette-JVM, TestNG in 7.1.0 version is used, which is using Guice in version 4.1.0. So Gradle want to use 5.1.0_no_aop version to fullfil dependency on 4.1.0 Guice version, but it's failing since Guice from version 5.0+ is not divided to aop/no_aop version. You think that can may be the problem? Maybe updating the dependency TestNG to 7.5(which use Guice in 5.1.0) will resolve the issue?

prashant-ramcharan commented 2 years ago


You should be able to use another version of TestNG by excluding it from the Courgette dep tree and providing your own version within your project.

    testCompile('io.github.prashant-ramcharan:courgette-jvm:6.4.1') {
        exclude group: 'org.testng'

    testCompile "org.testng:testng:7.5" 

Note. I've not looked into the Guice 5.xx issue though so let me know if upgrading to TestNG 7.5 resolves the issue

MBogdanski commented 2 years ago

Yes, does similar, Just excluded guice dependency. Thanks for info

MBogdanski commented 2 years ago

Resolved by excluding dependency