prashant-ramcharan / courgette-jvm

Multiprocess | Parallel Cucumber-JVM | Parallelize your Java Cucumber tests on a feature level or on a scenario level.
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How to have the status as WARNING in the Courgette Report? #386

Closed bhala-ki closed 9 months ago

bhala-ki commented 11 months ago

I would like to have the status as WARNING instead of PASSED OR FAILED OR FAILED AFTER RERUN statuses. Is this something possible? If yes, please guide me.

prashant-ramcharan commented 10 months ago

What is the use case for this and how would we classify a warning?

bhala-ki commented 10 months ago

Warning is a good status to be shown in the test report as it's like how it's showing in the phone battery life for example where the iPhone states Low Battery @ 20 %

sobi-ki commented 10 months ago

@prashant-ramcharan is some cases we might want to skip the test if a condition is not there.

For example, a dropdown is not available on test env due to not being available. We don't to fail the test for this.

Any chance of having skipped tests or ignored added to the report?


prashant-ramcharan commented 10 months ago

Hi, Courgette does not control the state of your tests, it simply runs your Cucumber tests and then uses the test results to generate a report.

If you need to skip or ignore a test based on a some condition (ie. dropdown is not available), then you would do this in your Cucumber test and this would be reflected in the Courgette report.

Courgette does not have any influence on when a test passes or fails, this is owned by Cucumber.

Courgette already shows skipped tests in the report.

prashant-ramcharan commented 10 months ago

On another note:

For example, a dropdown is not available on test env due to not being available. We don't to fail the test for this.

If your test is expecting a dropdown that is not available, shouldn't your test fail because you were expecting a dropdown but your application didn't display it? This seems like you have a non deterministic test case.