prashantchhabra89 / Alternate-Power-Source-Property-Mapper

A web application that puts the power into people's hands for finding sites for sustainable electricity generation.
Apache License 2.0
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Add a data grid file finder service. #52

Closed CYLoe closed 9 years ago

CYLoe commented 9 years ago

Add a data grid file finder service. Requires a class with at least one function. That function must take in four doubles as a parameter (northeast latitude, northeast longitude, southwest latitude, southwest longitude) and return an array of file names. There are a number of cases to consider, so I made a quick mockup covering what we discussed today: grid_returns

The json files which represent the grid will be named in such a way that only the names need to be used to determine if the selection passed in to the function is at all included in that grid. If it is, that file name must be returned.

The files will be named as such: Wind: NorthEastLat_NorthEastLon_SouthWestLat_SouthWestLonSeason.json Wind(Example): 49-12450-121_anu.json corresponds to NorthEastLat = 49, NorthEastLon = -124, SouthWestLat = 50, SouthWestLon = -121, anu = annual data

Solar: Solar_month.json Solar(Example): Solar_1.json corresponds to month = January; Note that month = 13 is annual data which is our primary use case

Hydro: Hydro_month.json Hydro(Example): Hydro_1.json corresponds to month = January; Note that month = 13 is annual data

maxentropic commented 9 years ago

@prashantchhabra89 I edited the issue to include all the information you should need. Let me know if there's anything I left out.

prashantchhabra89 commented 9 years ago

Do I have to write script for only wind data for now?

maxentropic commented 9 years ago

I think wind and solar. We have both in drive right now.

CYLoe commented 9 years ago

Edited filename definition for Wind

maxentropic commented 9 years ago

Closed by #62