prashantpalikhe / nuxt-ssr-lit

SSR support for Lit elements in Nuxt3
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Investigate if the wrapping element can be avoided altogether #4

Closed prashantpalikhe closed 1 year ago

prashantpalikhe commented 1 year ago

Currently, the <LitWrapper /> component wraps the slotted Lit element with a <span />. Investigate if this can be avoided altogether using Vue's render function.

steveworkman commented 1 year ago

The linting rule preventing this is - meaning that you can render the <slot> at the top level but only in Vue 3. Also, inside the server component we have a v-html directive, which can be applied directly to the root <template> though falls foul of and it also produces some hydration issues.

I don't believe that a render function is going to solve either of these issues. More likely is the rendering functions used in could provide a different approach. However, what we have now is a wrapping approach (similar to Eleventy and Astro) and it will work.

To get around the extra <div> I've applied display: unset to it, which makes the browser ignore its box. That works in all the cases I've tried so far

steveworkman commented 1 year ago

Some more research, in Vue 3 a customRenderer can be made to control how we render these elements. There doesn't appear to be an equivalent function for Vue 2

steveworkman commented 1 year ago

This was fixed in #18