prashants / webzash

Easy to use web based double entry accounting software in PHP - MySQL under MIT License
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Download Ledger Statement in xls./csv. #134

Closed faraz07 closed 5 years ago

faraz07 commented 5 years ago

Hi Prashant, Hope you doing good, it is really a nice software and very user friendly as well. All the required features are already available, so useful. Am having an issue in downloading ledger statement in xls / csv. Whenever i click on the download button to down statement in xls., it always downloads limited data. Its not downloading complete ledger statement. Same is happening in downloading csv. format and with Print as well. Can you please help out in same. Your solution will be awaited.

Many Thanks.

faraz07 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Can any one help me out in resolving this issue.

prashants commented 5 years ago

Update on its way

prashants commented 5 years ago

It is fixed in v2.8 beta

You can simply replace this file if you dont want to do a full update since v2.8 is expected soon.

Let me know if it fixes the issue.

faraz07 commented 5 years ago

Many many thanks Prashant. The issue is resolved. Thanks for your great help.

prashants commented 5 years ago

The latest version 2.8 should fix this issue. If not reopen this issue.