prashants / webzash

Easy to use web based double entry accounting software in PHP - MySQL under MIT License
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Feature Request: "LOCK" at month end to prevent backdated transactions #137

Open dentm42 opened 5 years ago

dentm42 commented 5 years ago

1) Provide a setting that disallows adding new transaction with dates prior to a certain date or the editing transaction with dates prior than a certain date. 2) Provide a user permission to allow certain users to "override" and enter backdated transactions - but also requires that an annotation field be filled out to explain the need for the backdated transaction.

This would be helpful to prevent accidental (or intentional but unauthorized!) restatement of past accounting periods during the year. It would be better in most cases to enter transactions in the current (sub)-period to correct errors to previous periods than to go back and edit previous entries that have already been reported out to boards and others.

Likewise, the ability to lock specific transactions from changes and/or provide an audit trail for edits to transactions would be beneficial.

prashants commented 4 years ago

Log is available for audits. You can even check mysql logs for more through audits.

Other things are possible but you have to customize it.