prashants / webzash

Easy to use web based double entry accounting software in PHP - MySQL under MIT License
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Add Journal Entry > Select Ledger #169

Open truecastdesign opened 3 months ago

truecastdesign commented 3 months ago

I setup to my ledger accounts as:



When making a journal entry and try to select Cash ledger it is not showing. Just Assets and the two groups. But under Incomes the Sales group and also the Sales ledger show up just fine. I can't make a simple journal entry because Umpqua bank and Cash ledgers are not showing. Is there a simple fix or is this a bug? Thanks


rkatsie commented 3 months ago

That's how the system works, if you want to use cash account in journal entries don't put it under Bank or Cash account category. Actually it helps to distinguish accounts that appear in contra entry from the one appear Journal entry as non cash account are not supposed to appear in contra transaction and cash account not supposed to appear in Journal Entries.
