prashants / webzash

Easy to use web based double entry accounting software in PHP - MySQL under MIT License
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Need Some Feature #59

Open abmmhasan opened 8 years ago

abmmhasan commented 8 years ago

(I dunno may be I missed somewhere or the features not implemented yet)

  1. Add Sub ledger in (Add Account Ledger)
  2. Add Notes on Ledger in (Add Account Ledger)
  3. Add cash entry on Journal Voucher in (Entries)
  4. Add Period in Reports (as i Attach file).

screenshot 2016-04-02 15 11 30

prashants commented 8 years ago
  1. sub ledger is not possible.
  2. notes already there in ledger
  3. you have to enable bank / cash account while ledger creation, then it will be visible in journal voucher
  4. you will have to do your own customization
abmmhasan commented 8 years ago

Accounts Menu become Master and have 3 submenu-

  1. Accounts (previous Accounts menu)
  2. Inventory 2a. Unit 2b. Stock Item 2c. Stock Group (each will have Create, Display, Edit/View)
  3. Marketing

Again the Entry Section have 3 submenu

  1. Accounts (current Entry Manu)
  2. Inventory 2a. Purchase order 2b. Sell Order 2c. Reject in 2d. Reject Out 2e. Indent 2f. Stock journal 2g. Delivery Note 2h. Receive Note 2i. Physical Stock
  3. marketing
tylerhcarter commented 8 years ago

Sounds like a great plan for creating an Inventory-Oriented Plugin.

prashants commented 8 years ago

Please refer

Jenbalco commented 8 years ago

Hey guy!

I think what you need is a business management system like Vtiger or OroCrm to manage operations.

I think Webzash is an amazing system and should not be sidetracked in business operations modules - Nonetheless I would say that it can use the following: