prasimix / DIB-v2

DIB (DIY Instrumentation Bus) v2 for hi-speed modules
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Token Ring #3

Open emard opened 5 years ago

emard commented 5 years ago

One of possibility I had in mind is token ring with differential I/O, minimal signaling (maybe clock only) and variable data bit length in terms of 2^n so it could be 1-bit 2-bit etc up to 32-bit bus.

mixed bit width devices can co-exist in the same ring but then for example if a 1-bit device is inserted inbetween A and B 32-bit nodes then 32-bit node A must be serialize traffic to 1-bit and 32-bit node B must de-serialize it to 32-bit again.

This will introduce latency and reduce speed but will be flexible to let it work. When number of devices are small like 2-8 it is very efficient reliable and low cost

Token ring has advantage to re-generate signal quality after each node so it should be less prone to noise and it makes node wiring simple and no additional chips for bus transievers, hubs and switches.