Open ghfields opened 8 years ago
I got a temporary workaround.
zfs send -R pool/ROOT/ubuntu@1609201008 |parallel -u -P 3 --pipe --recend '' --block 1G 'gdrive-linux-x64 upload - ubuntu,1609201008-{#}.zfssplit'
This splits the stdin into 1GB chunks and passes it to up to 3 cocurrent gdrive instances. It in my case, 39 uploads later, I have a successful upload. It still would be nice if gdrive natively split the pipe.
I also have to work on finding a way to 'cat' the split downloads directly into a pipe to be fed into "zfs receive".
I have a very large stdin that I would like to feed gdrive and have it upload it as split files.
Also the reverse would be desired: a way to download the split files and pass it as a stdin of another program.