prasmussen / glot-run

API for running code inside docker containers
MIT License
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Glot for Docker cloud? #11

Closed cezarfloroiu closed 7 years ago

cezarfloroiu commented 7 years ago


Is glot compatible with Docker Cloud? I managed to install it and to create a user & add a language. However when I want to run a piece of code it fails , I suspect because it cannot reach the Docker API on port 2375 and there is no way to configure it on the host as I couldnt find the docker config file in etc/default... I'm running Ubunti.

Any idea or suggestion?

Thanks a lot!

prasmussen commented 7 years ago

I'm not familiar with docker cloud.

Newer versions of ubuntu uses systemd and the config can be found here: /lib/systemd/system/docker.service Adding the following flag -H tcp:// will make the docker daemon listen on port 2375 on localhost. You can test that the connection works by doing curl http://localhost:2375/version which should give you a json response. Note that the docker api has no authentication and you probably want to put something in front of it (web proxy / iptables) if you are going to expose it on the network.

cezarfloroiu commented 7 years ago

Thx for your answer. It appears to me it is not compatible with Docker cloud. I will get back to a standard docker installation.