prastut / bubble-frontend

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Bubble Video Not stable #59

Open harwee opened 7 years ago

harwee commented 7 years ago

bubble-video is too unstable to work with

Sometimes raises error

mytube.js:3115 Uncaught TypeError: tubeId.indexOf is not a function
    at returnFn (mytube.js:3115)
    at og.c [as V] (www-embed-player.js:383)
    at og.k.L (www-embed-player.js:377)
    at og.<anonymous> (www-embed-player.js:369)
    at og.k.cb (www-embed-player.js:370)
    at rg (www-embed-player.js:367)
    at og.k.ja (www-embed-player.js:359)
    at www-embed-player.js:407

some times it's

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided     ('') does not match the recipient window's origin ('').`

and sometimes, the overlay doesn't load when data is loaded after playback started.