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blog/when-should-you-memoize-in-react/ #24

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

When should you memoize in React

Explore why premature optimization can be bad in React and when should you actually use the memoization methods provided by React

heyfirst commented 3 years ago

That's awesome sharing and clear explanation! Cooool 🙂

ThomasLaforge commented 10 months ago

I feel like I am able to handle the cases where I should use memoization and where I don't need it. But ... as a teacher, I prefere to learn at start to my students, to always use memoization as it's maybe less optimised cause you need time and power for something worst than just doing it. Cause when it will be usefull, it will be worth it at 1000%. So the trade is : 100x worst but losing "nothing" vs never did it but once it's 1000x worse cause don't using memoization. Is it fair for you ?