prateekmedia / pstube

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Your App for F-Droid !!! #19

Open theScrabi opened 2 years ago

theScrabi commented 2 years ago

Hei there, I just found this app on flatpak, and kind of like it :) @prateekmedia It would be cool if you would put your app on the F-Droid repository to. This way you could also reach a broader audience :)

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

Hi @theScrabi, I was very much inspired from your NewPipe app. Although it is awesome but I thought of creating a app that would be similar but Multi-platform.

Also thanks for the suggestion, I will try to upload it to F-droid although I have not done it before.

prateekmedia commented 2 years ago

theScrabi commented 2 years ago

Yea sure flutter is the future. If i had the time and the resources I would love to have a NewPipe front end completely written in flutter because of the system independence.

Poussinou commented 2 years ago

We're waiting for Fastlane (example here), otherwise everything is ok to include this app on F-Droid ;)

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

@prateekmedia in case you're not receiving GitLab notifications: can you please visit your RFP and answer the open questions, so we can proceed? Else the RFP would be closed for inactivity in 4 weeks, which would be a pity.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Thanks @prateekmedia – I removed the closure label again. Wish you good progress!

SecularSteve commented 1 year ago

Is this still being worked on?

It's been over a year.

prateekmedia commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft Anything blocked from my side for PsTube, I think you have already marked it as ready on gitlab

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

I've marked it ready for processing back then. It's still waiting to be picked up. I'm not an Android dev or "experienced packager", and the mix of languages our bot (and also Github here) says is used by the project kept me from trying it myself – but you can open an MR yourself to get things rolling. I could provide you a "skeleton YAML" to start with; if we're lucky it works out straight away, if not it will need some helping hands.

prateekmedia commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft Please provide the skeleton YAML, I will create a MR

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

OK, there you go with metadata/com.prateekmedia.pstube.yml. The build block will certainly need some adjustments, and the recipe expects Flutter to be added as a git submodule (always pointing to the Flutter version you need, so changing to a newer Flutter release would not require another MR at F-Droid for adjustments):

  - NonFreeNet
  - Multimedia
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
AuthorName: Prateek Sunal

AutoName: PSTube

RepoType: git

  - versionName: 2.6.0
    versionCode: 2
    commit: 2.6.0
    submodules: true
    output: build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
      - .github
      - ios
      - linux
      - macos
      - test
      - web
      - windows
      - export PUB_CACHE=$(pwd)/.pub-cache
      - .flutter/bin/flutter config --no-analytics
      - .flutter/bin/flutter pub get
      - .flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle
      - .flutter/bin/cache
      - .flutter
      - .pub-cache
      - export PUB_CACHE=$(pwd)/.pub-cache
      - .flutter/bin/flutter pub global activate intl_utils
      - .flutter/bin/flutter pub global run intl_utils:generate
      - .flutter/bin/flutter build apk --release

AutoUpdateMode: Version
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
UpdateCheckData: pubspec.yaml|version:\s.+\+(\d+)|.|version:\s(.+)\+
CurrentVersion: 2.6.0
CurrentVersionCode: 2

Note this is mostly copy-pasted from other recipes, I'm not that familiar with Flutter…

PS: Your pubspec.yaml indicates versionCode: 2. That was a surprise to me, as there are definitely more than 2 releases available already. I'm puzzled how that matches…

prateekmedia commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft I don't update versionCode often, but I will once this is on some store.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Well, isn't it in mine? So who currently uses it via that, rarely receives any updates. In fact, at maximum received a single one (when you increased to 2). I strongly suggest you start increasing with each release now :wink: