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Data Preprocessing in ML #124

Closed dilroseR closed 2 years ago

dilroseR commented 2 years ago

Related Issue

Closes: #110

Describe the changes you've made

Created .ipynb files and a file explaining data preprocessing in ml data preprocessing in:

Type of change

How Has This Been Tested?

Tested manually on my PC


dilroseR commented 2 years ago

can you review this pr?

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Kindly do the changes. @dilroseR

dilroseR commented 2 years ago


dilroseR commented 2 years ago

This repo focuses beginners so we need to include all information in Add advantages, disdvantages, applications, screenshot of output or visualizations and references. Add good number of references for beginners to understand this concept briefer.

Kindly do these changes. @dilroseR

i've created my own dataset and applied all the coding by my own. i don't have any reference . rest all i can do. kindly excuse me with the reference part

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

This repo focuses beginners so we need to include all information in Add advantages, disdvantages, applications, screenshot of output or visualizations and references. Add good number of references for beginners to understand this concept briefer. Kindly do these changes. @dilroseR

i've created my own dataset and applied all the coding by my own. i don't have any reference . rest all i can do. kindly excuse me with the reference part

References means not the ones you referred, references means what beginners can refer for knowing the concepts in more deep. @dilroseR

dilroseR commented 2 years ago
