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Social Distance Detection #116 #127

Closed Anubhavdevv closed 2 years ago

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

Closes: #116

Describe the changes you've made

Created a file Social Distance Detection using Open cv and Python

Give a clear description what modifications you have made

Modified the Social Distance detection file and add the yolo and coco module in it

How Has This Been Tested?

Describe how have you verified the changes made I have tested the code in Pycharm


Created the PR for Social Distance Detection which detects the people distance while they are maintain the distance or not using Python and Open cv

@prathimacode-hub Kindly Review it and Merge it :)

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

I have go through the readme and made the PR as you have mentioned in your readme. Please be specific what I have to do now what I have done wrong? What changes I have to done @prathimacode-hub ?

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

What if I have done this project on pycharm or vscode and don't done it in google Collab why should I add .pynb file when my code is running fine in .py format @prathimacode-hub

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

What's the problem you're facing now? Are you willing to do the changes or not? @anubhav201241

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

I'm not facing any problem my code is all running fine but I don't know why you are saying for .pynb file it is working fine in .py file then why should I change

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

I'm not wronging you here, you had done right but according to the guidelines mentioned it should be followed. If i accept this now, it wou;d be unfair for others as all followed up with the same guidelines given. There is a proper project structure to be maintained for good open source contribution and maintain uniformity across all. @anubhav201241

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

I think you did not get my point I'm only talking about why not .py file why only .ipynb file must be there when .py file is also a python file and working properly then why should I do it on Collab in Collab live camera and opencv is tough to use so that's why I use simple pycharm editor for running my code.

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Ok fine i will accept .py file happy? But atleast do the changes addressed with respect to the project structure mentioned. @anubhav201241

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

I don't think you are interested to do the changes, All it matters is why .ipynb file instead of .py file. I said today is the last date to merge PR's still you haven't done any changes addressed even after saying I will accept .py file. @anubhav201241

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

I have been doing this things from yesterday and you are saying that I'm not interested :) I'm busy in doing these changes

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

By when would it get done? @anubhav201241

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago


prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

But how would I know if you are interested unless you dont say it expect 1 thing you point out. And today is last date to merge PR and its already 11pm. I have to hit the bed and here I am waiting. @anubhav201241

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

You also have to do the change in PR created at "PyAlgo-Tree"

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

I have made another commit only i did not include readme file in it but uploaded it in computer vision folder @prathimacode-hub

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

Ok 🙂

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Try to do the changes for your PR by early morning. @anubhav201241

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

No update still. I don't even know what to say to you. There are still many changes to be done which you haven't. You asked me to list out and I did. I am halting up the things for you. But I am sorry, I can't held it any longer. You can do the changes leisurely when you have time. I have to remove the label. Its so late. Team is asking up for the score card. I requested some time for you, so that you could turn these things up. Now they won't wait any further. @anubhav201241

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Why did you close the PR? You should not close it from your end. Atleast responding is courtesy. I had waited for so long. I just removed the label not assignment hoping you would turn up the PR. Is it that all it matters for you is only scores? I thought you would atleast do the changes asked. But no. I also obliged to you by giving exception. This is what I get in return? @anubhav201241

Anubhavdevv commented 2 years ago

So you have said that time is up then why are you saying this of you don't want to merge I'm saying that it is not matter that much I have contributed to different project also and they do not forced me to do these things and I have already attached all my code file already created readme contributed my whole day to this but at last what response I'm getting from your side and at last you have also removed the dcp label then what is the point to contribute to your repo.

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Yes, time is up. I removed label not assignment. I am not pointing you wrong, but you can easily do up the changes right. Every repo has its own requirements. All did follow up the same. Still i gave you exception for few things and you are contributing only for scores? Then this is not open source. I am getting msgs from team to submit the scores. Its now 4pm and I didn't send up the scores hoping you would turn up with changes. That's Ok. I don't want to make it big or argue further. I am just being nice to you. I have provided all the points needed for changes. if you don't want to do it's upto you. You could have easily said that I don't want to work on changes. Simple. Instead of countering back. I never forced you. I just addressed the things that needs to be corrected. @anubhav201241