prathimacode-hub / DS-ScriptsNook

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Feature Extraction using Hough Transform #135

Closed freny24 closed 2 years ago

freny24 commented 2 years ago

Name : Freny Reji LinkedIn:

Issue no: #135 PR Title : Feature Extraction using Hough Transform To demonstrate image feature Extraction using Hough Transform

What have you included in this PR :

  1. file - described Hough transform and code
  2. Python file(.py file) - Code for feature extraction using Hough Transform
  3. Binary cross (PNG file): image data used for feature extraction.
prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

Append your name and your details in a shown format by creating a PR in over this repo @freny24

freny24 commented 2 years ago

@prathimacode-hub done ma'am