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Introduction to Matplotlib #145

Closed Rishita11 closed 2 years ago

Rishita11 commented 2 years ago

Related Issue I have made a jupyter notebook that includes all the info related to the Matplotlib library.

Hacktoberfest2021 Participant


Closes: #132

Describe the changes you've made I have made all the necessary changes you asked me to do. In this, I have included the requirements.txt file which gives the info about the libraries used, the files are a summary of everything related to Matplotlib. Lastly, the jupyter notebook is changed to camel case and I have included necessary headings.

Type of change Documentation

How Has This Been Tested? I have verified each and every line of code from various sources.

Checklist: [x] My code follows the guidelines of this project. [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code. [x] I have commented on my code, particularly wherever it was hard to understand. [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation. [x] My changes generate no new warnings. [x] I have added test cases that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.

welcome[bot] commented 2 years ago

Congrats on merging your first Pull Request! 🎉 All the best for your amazing open source journey ahead. 🚀⚡️