prathimacode-hub / DS-ScriptsNook

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Object Detection Using Computer Vision #9

Closed jeffryjames closed 2 years ago

jeffryjames commented 2 years ago

Object detection is related to computer vision and image processing that deals with detecting instances of semantic objects of a certain class (such as humans, buildings, or cars) in digital images and videos. Given an image or a video stream, an object detection model can identify which of a known set of objects might be present


shivani6320 commented 2 years ago

Hey @prathimacode-hub ! I would like to work on this issue. I will use RCNN for the object detection in images. Please assign me this issue as DevIncept Participant.

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

@shivani6320, as issues are assigned on first come first serve basis, jeffry would be eligible to take this up first. If he doesn't respond, then you would be considered.

@jeffryjames Kindly follow the issue template given to get issues assigned. And are you a participant of LGMSOC, Devincept or Contributor. How would I know what you are, if you don't follow the template. And also, hope you had read the README and CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINES of the project. Also let me know of task you will be working on "Algorithm" or "Tutorial". Please provide these details while raising an issue, so that it would be easier for us to assign the issues. @jeffryjames

jeffryjames commented 2 years ago

@shivani6320, as issues are assigned on first come first serve basis, jeffry would be eligible to take this up first. If he doesn't respond, then you would be considered.

@jeffryjames Kindly follow the issue template given to get issues assigned. And are you a participant of LGMSOC, Devincept or Contributor. How would I know what you are, if you don't follow the template. And also, hope you had read the README and CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINES of the project. Also let me know of task you will be working on "Algorithm" or "Tutorial". Please provide these details while raising an issue, so that it would be easier for us to assign the issues. @jeffryjames

@prathimacode-hub I have Created Another issue and working on it. Let this issue be assigned to @shivani6320 . Thank you!

prathimacode-hub commented 2 years ago

On request of @jeffryjames. this issue is assigned to you. Hope you are willing to. Kindly change the issue template and add details accordingly as this isue is assigned to you. @shivani6320

shivani6320 commented 2 years ago

ok @prathimacode-hub ! Noted. Should I raise another issue or comment down the details here in the comment section only?