pratik227 / quasar-qgrid

QGrid is a Quasar App Extension. It allows you to filter data for each column, Drag and Drop Rows and also allows you to filter data using header filters.
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Selected array on multi selection not working #73

Closed Yogiii closed 1 year ago

Yogiii commented 1 year ago


First, thanks for your work, Im testing the component with multi selection and it seems the selected array is not working. It is always empty Here the simple exemple i use : selected ref is always empty

  <q-grid :data="data" :columns="columns" :columns_filter="true" :draggable="true" selection="multiple"
          :csv_download="true" file_name="sample" :groupby_filter="true"

  <div class="q-mt-md">
    Selected: {{ JSON.stringify(selected) }}



export default defineComponent({
  name: "GroupingComponent",
  setup() {
    return {
      GetSelected(Selected) {
pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Yes it will not update that variable.

You need to reassign it to selected.

<q-grid :data="data" :columns="columns" :columns_filter="true" :draggable="true" selection="multiple"
            :csv_download="true" file_name="sample" :groupby_filter="true"
      <template v-slot:header="props">
        <q-tr :props="props">
          <q-th auto-width></q-th>
            v-for="col in props.cols"
            class="text-italic text-purple"
            {{ col.label }}
setup() {
    return {
      selected: ref([]),
      GetSelected(Selected) {
        this.selected = Selected

This work fine for me. let me know if it works

Yogiii commented 1 year ago

Perfect thank you !

Yogiii commented 1 year ago

Im trying to add a button to clear the selection, I tried to clear the ref seleted array, is not working Could you help me please

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Please Try the new version.

<q-btn @click="selected=[]" label="Clear Selection"></q-btn>

    <q-grid :data="data" :columns="columns" :columns_filter="true" :draggable="true" selection="multiple"
            :csv_download="true" file_name="sample" :groupby_filter="true"
      <template v-slot:header="props">
        <q-tr :props="props">
          <q-th auto-width></q-th>
            v-for="col in props.cols"
            class="text-italic text-purple"
            {{ col.label }}
Yogiii commented 1 year ago

Hello, Its cleaning the selected ref, but the checkboxs are still checked

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

It's working fine for me

pratik227 commented 1 year ago


    <q-btn @click="selected=[]" label="Clear Selection"></q-btn>

    <q-grid :data="data" :columns="columns" :columns_filter="true" :draggable="true" selection="multiple"
            :csv_download="true" file_name="sample" :groupby_filter="true"
      <template v-slot:header="props">
        <q-tr :props="props">
          <q-th auto-width></q-th>
            v-for="col in props.cols"
            class="text-italic text-purple"
            {{ col.label }}

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'Test10',
  setup() {
    return {
      selected: ref([]),
      GetSelected(Selected) {
        this.selected = Selected
pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Please check you are using the latest version or not.

Yogiii commented 1 year ago

Just reinstalled now, the latest version i found is 1.0.9, and still not working


pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Please refer this Repo it's working

plebanip commented 1 year ago


related to the same topic, I have the opposite problem. When I select a single row (regardless of the row), the components select all the rows.

Any hints?

Here the code. Thanks!

  <q-page class="q-pa-md">
      <q-card-section> Selected: {{ selected }} </q-card-section>

import { defineComponent, ref } from "vue";

import DataService from "../services/DataService";

const my_columns = [
    name: "id",
    required: true,
    sortable: true,
    align: "left",
    field: "id",
    name: "name",
    required: true,
    sortable: true,
    align: "left",
    field: "name",
    name: "address",
    required: true,
    sortable: true,
    align: "left",
    field: "address",
    name: "zip",
    required: true,
    sortable: true,
    align: "left",
    field: "zip",
    name: "city",
    required: true,
    sortable: true,
    align: "left",
    field: "city",

export default defineComponent({
  name: "NamePage",

  setup() {
    return {
      my_data: ref([]),
      selected: ref([]),
      GetSelected(Selected) {
        this.selected = Selected;
  created() {
    this.DataService = new DataService();
  mounted() {
    this.DataService.getData().then((data) => (this.my_data = data));
pratik227 commented 1 year ago

@plebanip You need to provide :row-key="" which will be unique per data. By default it's name.

Property of each row that defines the unique key of each row (the result must be a primitive, not Object, Array, etc);

Yogiii commented 1 year ago


I tried following ;

Did you publish your last version ?

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

I have created that repo after publishing the package only So I think it will work. Maybe it's installing using cache try to clear npm cache and then try to install it it should work.

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

plebanip commented 1 year ago

@plebanip You need to provide :row-key="" which will be unique per data. By default it's name.

Property of each row that defines the unique key of each row (the result must be a primitive, not Object, Array, etc);

thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, it does not work. I put

:row-key="id" but when rendering I got a warning runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:38 [Vue warn]: Property "id" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

Actually, id is one of the fields in the column


P.S.: I checked the documentation, but I was not able to find any mention to the row-key properties. Where is it?

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

@plebanip You need to provide :row-key="" which will be unique per data. By default it's name.

Property of each row that defines the unique key of each row (the result must be a primitive, not Object, Array, etc);

thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, it does not work. I put

:row-key="id" but when rendering I got a warning runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:38 [Vue warn]: Property "id" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

Actually, id is one of the fields in the column


P.S.: I checked the documentation, but I was not able to find any mention to the row-key properties. Where is it?

@plebanip It should be :row-key="'id'"

pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue.

plebanip commented 1 year ago

Hi Pratik,

sorry for re-opening the issue. I tried to use the :row-key="'_id'" as you suggested but the behavior remains the same. When I click on just one of the items, all the items will become selected. To have a confirmation, I printed out the selected variable and I confirm that the values of the _id property is unique for each item


pratik227 commented 1 year ago

Example -

Sorry my bad :row_key


Yogiii commented 1 year ago

Hello Pratik,

Im trying to customize only one particular column with body slot, but with this i need to redefine others columns also, including checkbox on the first columns with his behaviour that is problematic. How can i do ?


Thank you

plebanip commented 1 year ago

Example -

Sorry my bad :row_key


Great! it works! Thanks a lot