praveenvijayan / grunt-html-validation

W3C html validaton grunt plugin. Validate all files in a directory automatically.
MIT License
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first validate is good, but try again it did nothing! #57

Closed hank7444 closed 8 years ago

hank7444 commented 10 years ago


I use 'watch' to monitor files save status.

every time I save file, grunt will trigger the HTML validator to valide my HTML file.

but if my html file pass valifdation, I write some wrong code and try again, validator did nothing.

For example:

wrong html code -> validator output error message. non-error html code -> validator output sucessful message. wrong html code -> validator output nothing!

my console shows as follows:

Running "validation:normal" (validation) task // but my HTML code has some Error@@!

Running "watch:sass" (watch) task Completed in 0.684s at Fri Jun 20 2014 18:33:50 GMT+0800 (CST) - Waiting...

Thank you for your attention :)
