praveenvijayan / grunt-html-validation

W3C html validaton grunt plugin. Validate all files in a directory automatically.
MIT License
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When multiple tasks declared it only runs on first task #63

Open mikemellor11 opened 9 years ago

mikemellor11 commented 9 years ago

If i create my task with the following json structure;

{ "options": { "reportpath": false, "stoponerror": false, "path": "_Build/Shared Files/Temp/vaidation.json", "failHard": true }, "Accordion": { "files": { "src": "Accordion/preview/index.html" } }, "Blank": { "files": { "src": "Blank/preview/index.html" } }, "Chart": { "files": { "src": "Chart/preview/index.html" } }, "Figure": { "files": { "src": "Figure/preview/index.html" } } }

It only runs the validation on the first task and then skips over the rest;

Running "validation:Accordion" (validation) task Validation started for.. _Stream/Stream Templates/Accordion/preview/index.html

Validation successful..

Running "validation:Blank" (validation) task

Running "validation:Chart" (validation) task

Running "validation:Figure" (validation) task

Done, without errors.

The reason my json is like this is because i need separate watches that can run independently e.g. validation:Blank