praveenvijayan / grunt-html-validation

W3C html validaton grunt plugin. Validate all files in a directory automatically.
MIT License
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Grunt-W3c-html-validation - where error report is getting generated #82

Open hnbale opened 7 years ago

hnbale commented 7 years ago

I have a folder structure as below

Root-> Web - Node_modules

I have all HTML pages under "web" folder and installed "grunt-w3c-html-validation" under "node_modules" folder

Am on window and have following code in grunt file and when I build MS visual studio project it tooks some time but not able to see errors and not sure where error report is getting generated.

validation: { options: { reset: false, stoponerror: false, reportpath: false, remotepath: false, }, files: { src: ['web/*/.tmpl.html'] }


Any suggestions or help will be appreciated. Thanks, Bale