Problem description
Perhaps due to a change in the location of InProcPravegaCluster used by the Hadoop connector tests, the build is currently failing:
06:39:13 > Task :compileTestJava FAILED
06:39:13 /var/jenkins_home/workspace/pravega-hadoop-connectors/src/test/java/io/pravega/connectors/hadoop/utils/ error: cannot access InProcPravegaCluster
06:39:13 import io.pravega.local.InProcPravegaCluster;
06:39:13 ^
06:39:13 bad class file: /root/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/io.pravega/pravega-standalone/0.10.0-2767.dd3e2b875/cd88f2f80ed9f579f98e1ce9d8d47ed6fc467183/pravega-standalone-0.10.0-2767.dd3e2b875.jar(io/pravega/local/InProcPravegaCluster.class)
06:39:13 class file has wrong version 55.0, should be 52.0
06:39:13 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
06:39:13 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Problem location
Hadoop connecto build.
Suggestions for an improvement
Adapt to the changes in Pravega 0.9.
Problem description Perhaps due to a change in the location of
used by the Hadoop connector tests, the build is currently failing:Problem location Hadoop connecto build.
Suggestions for an improvement Adapt to the changes in Pravega 0.9.