pravega / pravega-benchmark

Performance benchmark tool for Pravega
Apache License 2.0
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Issue 110: Set connection pooling to false by default #111

Closed RaulGracia closed 4 years ago

RaulGracia commented 4 years ago

Change log description Sets connection pooling to false by default.

Purpose of the change Fixes #110.

What the code does Makes the enableConnectionPooling variable to be false by default.

How to verify it Executed gradlew installDist and it builds correctly. Also, executed the following command and observing that enableConnectionPooling is false when no input is set:

λ bash bin\pravega-benchmark -controller tcp://localhost:9090 -size 100 -segments 1 -stream test -time 10 -events 100 -producers 1
2020-08-17 16:05:59:876 +0200 [main] INFO io.pravega.perf.PravegaPerfTest - Test Parameters: streamName='test', rdGrpName='testRdGrp', scopeName='Scope', recreate=false, writeAndRead=false, producerCount=1, consumerCount=0, segmentCount=1, segmentScaleKBps=0, segmentScaleEventsPerSecond=0, scaleFactor=2, events=100, eventsPerSec=100, eventsPerProducer=100, eventsPerConsumer=0, EventsPerFlush=2147483647, transactionPerCommit=0, runtimeSec=10, throughput=-1.0, writeFile='null', readFile='null', startTime=1597673159850, enableConnectionPooling=false, writeWatermarkPeriodMillis=-1, readWatermarkPeriodMillis=-1

Signed-off-by: Raúl Gracia